Grade 5 Material

Grade 5 Material

Our content is being developed and added to all the time. We currently have the following topics available for your children:

Natural Sciences

A photo of a hare for the Grade 5 Natural Sciences Life and Living Topic

Life and Living

  • Plants and animals on Earth
  • Animal skeletons
  • Skeletons as structures
  • Food chains
  • Life cycles
A picture of a lot of umbrellas for the Grade 5 Natural Sciences Matter and Materials topic.

Matter and Materials

  • Metals and non-metals
  • Uses of metals
  • Processing materials
  • Processed materials
A picture of a lady sitting in front of a large speaker for the Grade 5 Natural Sciences Energy and Change topic.

Energy and Change

  • Stored energy in fuels
  • Energy and electricity
  • Energy and movement
  • Systems for moving things
A photo of a girl holding up a globe of the world in front of a map for the Grade 5 Natural Sciences Planet Earth and Beyond topic.

Planet Earth and Beyond

  • Planet Earth
  • The surface of the Earth
  • Sedimentary rocks
  • Fossils

Social Sciences

A picture of an compass on an open atlas for the Grade 5 Social Sciences Map Skills topic.

Map Skills

  • The world map and compass directions
  • Africa our continent
  • A physical map of Africa and images of Africa
A photo of a cave-painting for the Grade 5 Social Sciences Hunter-gatherers and Herders topic.

Hunter-gatherers and Herders in Southern Africa

  • How we find out about hunter-gatherers and herders
  • San hunter-gatherers in the Later Stone Age
  • Khoikhoi herders in the Later Stone Age
A photo of a famous South African landmark for the Grade 5 Social Sciences Physical Features of South Africa topic.

Physical Features of South Africa

  • South Africa from above
  • Physical features
  • Rivers
  • Physical features and human activities
A photo of two cows for the Grade 5 Social Sciences First Farmers in Southern Africa topic.

The First Farmers in Southern Africa

  • The first farmers in Southern Africa
  • How early African farmers lived in settled chiefdoms
A graphic of a lady riding a bicycle in the rain for the Grade 5 Social Sciences Weather, Climate and Vegetation topic.

Weather, Climate and Vegetation of South Africa

  • Weather
  • Rainfall
  • Climate
  • Natural vegetation
A photo of camels in front of Egyptian ruins for the Grade 5 Social Sciences Ancient African Society topic.

An Ancient African Society: Egypt

  • The Nile river
A graphic of a dump truck at a mine for the Grade 5 Social Sciences Minerals and Mining topic.

Minerals and Mining in South Africa

  • Mineral and coal resources of South Africa
  • Mining and the environment
  • Mining and people
A photo of a mountain for the Grade 5 Social Sciences Heritage Trail Through the Provinces of South Africa topic.

A Heritage Trail Through the Provinces of South Africa

  • Heritage in our provinces

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