In Grade 8, in Geography, you will learn about Maps, Climate regions, Settlement and transport and trade. In History, you will learn about the Industrial revolution, the Mineral revolution, the Scramble for Africa and World War 1.
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Social Science grade 7 covers topics from Map Skills, the Kingdom of Mali, the City of Timbuktu, as well as natural disasters.
Learn all about the first Southern African state and the changes in the Limpopo Valley, as well as trade between Africa and the countries across the Indian Ocean, as well as map skills, trade, climate and the population.
In this geography topic, you will learn all about map skills, physical features, weather, climate, vegetation, minerals and mining of southern Africa. In the history topic, you will about hunter-gatherers in southern Africa, the first farmers in southern Africa, a heritage trail through the provinces of South Africa and lastly learn about an ancient African […]
In grade 4 we learn about peoples’ needs and where they live. We learn about how they travel, along roads and foot paths, as well as describing how to get to where they need to be.